Teach Primary Colors With These Fun Homeschool Activities for Young Children

Teach Primary Colors With These Fun Homeschool Activities for Young Children
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When it comes time to teach younger children their primary colors, you can sometimes have a difficult task ahead of you. Luckily, there are many activities well-suited to the homeschool environment that will keep preschoolers and kindergarteners interested in learning about different colors. Teaching primary colors at home can be done with crafts, games, and special activities.

Color Days

Create designated color days throughout the week to teach children about the different colors. In order to do this activity you will have to plan ahead for the activity week. Each day of the week needs to be assigned a different color. For example, Monday can be red day; Tuesday can be yellow day, and so on.

To use this activity with your child, your child should celebrate the designated color for each day of the week. An example of this would be, if Monday is blue day, have your child find blue clothes to wear, blue toys to play with, and blue crayons to color with. You can even get food coloring to dye their food blue. Eggs are an easy food to do this with. Look through books with your child and have them find all the blue objects in the book. Repeat this activity everyday with a different color until all the primary colors are covered.

Paper Plate Craft

A simple way to help your child learn about primary colors is this very basic paper plate craft. For this activity all you will need is a white paper plate, the three primary colors, and a black marker. Using the black marker, draw three sections on the plate. Have your child color each section with one of the primary colors until they have all been used. After they have completed the craft the plate can then be used to play the paper plate game below.

Paper Plate Game

After you have made the paper plate craft, find a penny to play the paper plate game. Place the paper plate on the floor and have your child stand back about five feet from the plate. Have your child toss the penny or other small object onto the plate. Whichever color the penny lands on, have them name the color and find an object around the house that is the same color. For example, if the penny landed on red, they would have to find a red object, such as a ball or flower pot.

These activities are great to use when teaching primary colors to preschoolers or kindergartners. The activities will keep your child focused and compelled to learn.


  • Everything for Early Learning Learning Horizons 2007
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